Content Row
We serve over 2,500 students with various thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, and experiences. We seek to inspire every student every day with quality instruction that promotes creativity, growth, character, individual strengths, and a lifelong love of learning.
District course design and core instructional materials will be regularly reviewed to ensure their ongoing alignment with state law, teaching and learning standards, and research-based best practices. All students will receive high-quality core instruction and, as appropriate, strategic and intensive intervention supports matched to student needs.
OSPI develops state learning standards. Adopted materials have to align with state standards.
Students have different academic outcomes and needs based on their human identities: ability or disability, socioeconomic status, homelessness, race, ethnicity, gender or gender identity, English language acquisition, and many other factors.
A new WA State law (SB 5044), requires school staff, educators, and board members to receive training on cultural competency, diversity, equity, or inclusion (CCDEI).
The Anacortes School District has not adopted a unique framework for CCDEI. We are partnering with the Acosta Educational Partnership to provide staff training throughout the year.
CCDEI is not Critical Race Theory (CRT). Critical Race Theory is a legal framework typically used in higher education settings. It is not a curriculum and is not being taught in our schools.
For more information, please see the district's adopted Equity Policy.
Math: Eureka Math (Great Minds)
Science: Weather & Trees (EL Education)
Reading & Literacy: Phonemic Awareness Kindergarten Lessons (Haggerty); Fundations (Wilson Language); EL Education; LearnZillion
Math: Eureka Math (Great Minds)
Science: Sun, Moon, & Stars and Birds (EL Education)
Reading & Literacy: Phonemic Awareness Primary Lessons (Haggerty); Fundations (Wilson Language); EL Education; LearnZillion
Math: Eureka Math (Great Minds)
Science: Fossils & Pollination (EL Education)
Reading & Literacy: Phonemic Awareness Primary Lessons (Haggerty); Fundations (Wilson Language); EL Education; LearnZillion
Math: Eureka Math (Great Minds)
Science: Frogs & Water (EL Education) + Science specialist content
Social Studies: Culture: People, Places, and Environment
Reading & Literacy: Fundations (Wilson Language); EL Education; LearnZillion
Math: Eureka Math (Great Minds)
Science: Animals (EL Education) + Science specialist content
Social Studies: WA state history
Reading & Literacy: EL Education; LearnZillion
Math: Eureka Math (Great Minds)
Science: Biodiversity in the Rain Forest + Science specialist content
Social Studies: US History
Reading & Literacy: EL Education; LearnZillion
Math: Illustrative Mathematics, DESMOS
Science: Earth Science (Various Materials Based on NGSS)
Reading & Literacy: Reading & Writing Workshop Units of Study (Heinemann)
Social Studies: The Americans (McDougal Littel)
Math: Illustrative Mathematics, DESMOS
Science: Life Science (Various Materials Based on NGSS)
Reading & Literacy: Reading & Writing Workshop Units of Study (Heinemann)
Social Studies: Ancient World History (McDougal Littel)
Math: Illustrative Mathematics, DESMOS
Science: Physical Science (Various Materials Based on NGSS)
Reading & Literacy: Reading & Writing Workshop Units of Study (Heinemann)
Social Studies: Medieval & Early Modern Times (McDougal Littel)
Art, drama, band, choir, STEM, coding, sports statistics, Lego Robotics, Garden to Kitchen, music experience, math enrichment, Hawk TV/ News, Drama/ Debate, Spanish, Escape Room
Algebra I (Illustrative Mathematics)
Geometry (Illustrative Mathematics)
Algebra II (Illustrative Mathematics)
Pre-Calculus (Precalculus with Trigonometry - Key Curriculum Press)
AP Calculus (Calculus - Concepts & Applications - Key Curriculum Press)
AP Statistics (Statistics - Modeling the World - Pearson)
Bridge to College Math (OSPI curriculum)
9th Grade (Gold Book Anthology - Prentice Hall; other supplemental materials as approved)
10th Grade (World Literature Anthology; other supplemental materials as approved)
11th Grade (The Language of Literature - American Literature; other supplemental materials as approved)
AP Language and Composition (College-Board approved list)
AP Literature (College Board-approved list)
Bridge to College English (12th Grade/ OSPI Curriculum)
Physical Science (Physical Science Concepts in Action; Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS))
Biology (Biology Principles & Explorations; supplemental materials as approved; NGSS)
Chemistry (Chemistry - Prentice Hall; supplemental materials as approved; NGSS)
AP Chemistry (Chemistry - A Molecular Approach)
Physics (Pearson Physics; supplemental materials as approved; NGSS)
AP Physics (Physics - Prentice Hall)
Anatomy (Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology)
AP Environmental Science (Living in the Environment - Thomson)
AP Computer Science (Building JAVA programs - a back-to-basics approach)
AP Human Geography (The Cultural Landscape, Pearson)
World History (Modern World History; McDougal Littel)
US History (The Americans; McDougal Littel)
AP US History (American History - A Survey; McGraw Hill)
Contemporary World Issues (The Week magazine; The Choices Program (Brown University))
Honors Contemporary World Issues in Religions (The World's Wisdom, The World's Religions; Harper Collins)
Civics (American Government; Prentice Hall)
AP US Government (Government by the People - Perspectives on American Politics; Prentice Hall)
Contemporary Issues Through Multimedia (Approved multimedia sources)
Career & Technical Education
Metals Technology I-IV
Introduction to Robotics
Robotics Engineering
Advanced Robotics
Engineering, Drawing, & Design I, II
Architectural Drawing & Design, I, II
Digital Media Production
Advanced Digital Media
Commercial Photography I, II
Family Health
Personal Finance
Sports Medicine I, II
Introduction to Computer Science
Microsoft IT Academy
Advanced Microsoft IT Academy
Introduction to Marketing
Advanced Marketing
Student Store
AP Computer Science (cross credit)
AP Environmental Science (cross credit)
Fine & Performing Arts
Drawing I, II
Painting I, II
Ceramics I, II
3D Design & Sculpture, I, II
Jazz Ensemble I, II
Symphonic Band
Wind Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble
Mixed Choir
Treble Choir
Concert Choir
Jazz Choir
AP Music Theory
Drama I, II, III
Spanish I-V
AP Spanish
Physical Education
Sports & Conditioning
Strength & Conditioning
Cardio Core
Additional Electives
Student Leadership & Government
Office Aid - Attendance/ Counseling/ Main
Library Peer Tutor
Teacher Aid (TA)
Tech Theater I, II
AVID Tutor
Peer Tutor