Families will begin receiving their annual back to school packets from the district next week. Included in this packet is:
Each household in the district will receive one packet. If you did not receive one, or would like to purchase an additional calendar, please contact the Superintendent’s Office: (360) 503-1211 or tramsay@asd103.org
Updated date
Please note that there is a typo on the printed calendars; Friday, September 23rd is a K-5 Half Day for students.
Free & Reduced Meals Update
We are returning to paid meals this year, after federal funding provided the last 2 years of meals throughout the pandemic.
Paid pricing is as follows:
- Breakfast K-5 - $1.65
- Breakfast 6-12 - $1.90
- Lunch K-5 - $3.00
- Lunch 6-12 - $3.25
We encourage families who may qualify for free & reduced meals to submit an application. Even if your child does not eat school meals, you may also qualify for other financial incentives. Washington State is also waiving all reduced price meals copays, meaning meals will be free for all families qualifying for reduced price meals. Please complete an application, and return it to any school:
If you have any questions, contact the Child Nutrition Office at 360-503-1377
Elementary Placement
Teacher placement emails, and any remaining building placement emails will go out on Friday, August 26 in the afternoon. If you don’t receive your email, or have questions, please contact our Teaching & Learning Department at (360) 503-1212 or aberard@asd103.org
Elementary Meet & Greets
All elementary students and their families are welcome to attend Meet & Greets at their school. Fidalgo, Mt. Erie, and Island View Elementaries will host Meet & Greets on Thursday, September 1 from 3:30 - 5:30. Stop in any time, look around the school, and meet your teacher and principal.
Middle School & High School Important Dates
- August 30: AHS 9th Grade Family Night
- August 31: AHS Seahawk Startup Makeup
Transportation Registration
We are launching a new transportation system this year to better serve our families. If you have not yet registered your child(ren) for transportation this year, please do so: If your student(s) will need district transportation, please login to Skyward Family Access to submit a Transportation Request Form for each student.
Chromebook Readiness
Students in grades 4-12 should take a few moments before the new school year to charge and power on their Chromebooks to make sure they have everything they need to start the year right! If you have any issues with your Chromebook, or you are missing accessories (power cords, stylus, etc) please contact Technology Services ASAP so we can get it taken care of!
You can reach Technology Services at 360-503-1220 or by stopping by the local Technology Services office in your school.
Students are expected to bring their charged devices with them to school on Sept 6!
For other technology updates, including new password requirements, check out our website: https://www.asd103.org/District/Department/25-Technology-Services
School Supplies
A list of school supplies is posted on our website: https://www.asd103.org/District/130-School-Supplies.html
*2nd grade families - some items were inadvertently left off the list posted earlier. Please review the current list for updated items. If you experience any hardship in purchasing items, please reach out to your building principal.
Reach out if you have any questions: information@asd103.org, (360) 503-1200, or https://www.asd103.org/District/126-contact-us.html