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New students and staff will start the year out with a username and password that is consistent throughout the district. All passwords must meet the new password criteria. Returning students should use the same password as last year, but if it has been forgotten we can reset it to a default password. 

If you have a student that is unable to login, please contact us right away at 360-503-1220.


ASD Username Information

Students are assigned an account to login on their Chromebook and other ASD resources. The account is made up of the last name up to 5 letters, the first name up to three letters, followed by a string of 3 numbers assigned by Skyward. 

Example: John Smith: SmithJoh000 or SmithJoh001, etc. 

Staff accounts are created using the first initial of their first name, and the last name. If there are duplicate names, the first initial of the middle name is added to create a unique account name. 

Example: rsmith or rjsmith, etc. 


Default Password Information

Any Technology Services staff member should be able to provide staff and students with their default password.


Changing Your Initial Password

It is very important that all staff and students change their password right away after logging in for the first time. To do so, we utilize Clever to reset passwords. To do so, follow the instructions below.

Resetting your password with Clever:

  1. Open your web browser to:
  2. Sign into the Clever Portal and click on your name at the top right, then select Change AD password from the dropdown.
  3. Enter your new password.
  4. Select Set New Password.

That's it! Once it has been reset, log out and log back in using the new password. It should work right away. 

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