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Navigating Loss Together- Support and Resources for Our Community
April 10, 2024

Navigating Loss Together- Support and Resources for Our Community
A message from Superintendent Dr. Justin Irish

Dear Anacortes Community,

In light of the profound loss of Caitlin Follstad, a cherished teacher at Island View Elementary, we have been touched by the overwhelming support extended by our community to all of our students and staff districtwide. Despite the weight of this tragedy, our students and staff followed their regular school schedule today. Maintaining a semblance of normalcy for our students is paramount during difficult times or after significant events. It fosters stability, routine, and predictability, which are instrumental in helping students feel secure.

Throughout the day at Island View, we had district office staff, counselors from the high school and elementary schools, our elementary mental health therapist, as well as mental health support from Island Health available for students. In honor of the tragic loss to the ASD family, the school has lowered its flags to half-staff as a solemn tribute and sign of respect and it will remain that way for the rest of the week. 

We will continue to provide similar support to students and staff tomorrow and Friday.

We appreciate your patience as we navigate through this tragedy. Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and everyone copes in their own way. We have counselors ready to provide emotional support. If you or your child feel the need to talk, please do not hesitate to reach out to your student's teacher, school counselor, or trusted adult. 

Today, teachers at Island View Elementary utilized the following discussion points with their students for grades K-5:

Talking Points for K-2 students:

  • We have some sad news to share with you today. We want you to know that Ms. Follstad, one of our dear teachers, has passed away.
  • It's okay to feel sad or confused right now. We understand that this might be a big and difficult thing to understand. But we're here to help you and support you as we all go through this together.
  • We want you to know that you and your families are safe.
  • Ms. Follstad was a very special teacher who cared a lot about all of you. She taught us many things and made our school a happy place. We will always remember them in our hearts.
  • If you have any questions or if you want to talk about how you're feeling, you can always talk to your teachers, counselors, or any grown-up you feel comfortable with. We're here to listen and help you.
  • Let's take a moment to think about Ms. Follstad and all the good times we shared with them. They will always be a special part of our school family.

Talking Points for 3-5 grade students:

  • It is with heavy hearts that we share some sad news with you today. We want to let you know that Ms. Follstad, one of our beloved teachers, has passed away.
  • This news may bring up a lot of different feelings for you, and it's important to know that it's okay to feel sad, confused, or upset. We are here to support you and help you through this difficult time.
  • We want you to know that you and your families are safe.
  • Ms. Follstad was a wonderful teacher who cared deeply about every one of you. She made a positive impact on our school community, and we will always remember them fondly.
  • If you need someone to talk to or if you have any questions, we are here for you. You can talk to me, any teacher, a counselor, or any other adult you trust. We're here to listen and support you in any way we can.
  • Let's take a moment to remember Ms. Follstad and all the special memories we shared with them. She will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Similar age-appropriate talking points were shared districtwide to respond to students' questions.    
Resources for Families
We also want to offer families some helpful resources for discussing tragedy with their children:

Remember students grieve in different ways. They may be in shock, numb, losing sleep, don’t know how to feel, feeling anxious or sad. It is important to provide your students with regular meals, sleep, drinking water, fresh air and stay connected to people. 

Additional Ways You Can Support
We are receiving an overwhelming number of inquiries from the community regarding support for our staff and students during this difficult time. Here are some ways you can help honor Mrs. Follstad and support the students and staff:

  1. Monetary Support: If you're interested in providing financial assistance, please stay tuned for further details on how to donate. We are currently in the process of organizing the allocation of monetary funds to aid staff and students.
  2. Food Donations: We are grateful for the food donations offered to support our grieving staff and students. The lunchroom is stocked with comforting meals, and the counseling rooms for students are filled with snacks. The Island View Team feels incredibly supported. A special thank you to the Anacortes Safeway team and Jimmy Johns for providing meals to our staff and counselors on campus today and Family Life Church for donating snacks for students during these counseling sessions. If you would like to contribute, please contact Nicole Tesch, District Communications via email at for assistance with coordination.
  3. Flower Deliveries: Flowers are a thoughtful gesture, and we appreciate those who have brought them to brighten our hallways. We kindly request that you consider donating items to the Island View Garden Club. Suggestions include vegetable seeds and starts, perennials, growing supplies, tools, and equipment. Boxes will be placed outside the Island View front office for your convenience. Additionally, cards are also appreciated.

Community Grief Gathering 
The Island View PTA is organizing a Community Grief Gathering to honor the memory of Caitlin Follstad. This gathering will take place on Friday, April 12 at 4:00 pm at Family Life Church, located at 1617 29th Street. The church’s parking lot can accommodate over 100 vehicles, providing space for up to 300 people to come together and support one another during this difficult time. 

We are here for you, and together, we will support one another through this painful time. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need assistance or have any questions.

With heartfelt sympathy,

Dr. Justin Irish, Superintendent

Photo: Ms. Ross's 1st and 2nd graders made a heart chain for their teachers and friends at school today.  

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