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Sign up now for student transportation

August 10, 2022

The Anacortes School District is launching a new transportation system this year. This new system will help us better serve our families. If your student(s) will need district transportation, please login to Skyward Family Access to submit a Transportation Request Form for each student. Each student rider must have a Transportation Request Form completed. Please complete this form as soon as possible. If you don’t yet know your elementary building assignment, please complete this as soon as you receive your building assignment (on or around August 26th). 

If your student needs bus transportation, please do the following (if not, no action is required):

  • Navigate to the Skyward Family Access login screen

  • Enter your login credentials. Your login ID is typically firstname.lastname. If you do not know your credentials, please select “Forgot your Login/Password?” An account/password reset link will be sent to your email address on file with the district.

  • Once in, you will be at the Family Access home screen where you can access all students in your family by selecting the dropdown arrow at the top left.

  • To access the form, please navigate to the “Online Forms” on the left side of the screen

  • Select Step 1) 2022-2023 Transportation Request

  • Fill out the form and click “Complete Step 1”

  • Complete Step 2) by clicking “Submit 2022-2023 Transportation Request”

We look forward to seeing you in September! 

Screenshot instructions are available here as well. 

Questions? Contact the Transportation Office: (360) 503-1155 or 


Summer Impact program takes learning outside

July 23, 2022

Walks in the forestlands, trips to Rosario Beach and Deception Pass and dance moves with Fidalgo Danceworks are all a part of the Impact summer learning program that is taking place throughout July. 

“We are so excited to be bringing back field trips, which were on hold during the pandemic,” said Assistant Superintendent Becky Clifford.

The goal of Impact is to support students in academic and social-emotional learning through the summer to keep them engaged and ready to return to school. Each day consists of core instruction (reading and math) connected to enrichment activities like movement or nature talks at Washington Park. The district is partnering with Fidalgo Danceworks, Denise Crowe from the Samish Nation, Joy Kacoroski from Deception Pass State Park, and Friends of the Forest.

The 120 kindergarten through fifth grade students have attended five days a week, three hours each day. In collaboration with teachers, the multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) facilitators referred students to the program. Incoming kindergarten students were referred by ASD early learning partners through a similar process, based on WaKids data. 

The program includes 12 classroom teachers, 12 paraeducators, one principal, one nurse and one office assistant. Impact Principal Kelly Cox has been leading the team. 

“I am excited for the opportunity to support students and staff this summer,” she said.

Funding for Impact is provided by Anacortes Schools Foundation and an anonymous donor. In addition to staffing and curriculum, it covers transportation and lunches. For more information, please email


Community bulletin board

July 12, 2022

Our community bulletin board is updated throughout the summer with community events, summer camps, and more. Check it out here:

If you would like to have an item included, please contact Torhil Ramsay in the Superintendent's Office: 360-503-1211 or 



Latest issue of Pride is out

June 24, 2022

The latest issue of the Anacortes Pride, the district's quarterly newsletter, is out now. The Pride is mailed to every Anacortes household. Check out this issue for graduation highlights, senior profiles, district retirees, and much more! 

If you would like additional copies, or have any questions or feedback, please contact the Superintendent's Office at


District launches new website

June 24, 2022

The Anacortes School District has launched a new website ( The new platform was selected by a committee of district staff and parents. The new site offers better compliance with ADA requirements and is easier for staff to update and maintain. The new site has also been designed to be more compatible with mobile devices. 

We will continue to update and refine content over the summer. Please reach out if you find errors, or typos, or have any questions: We welcome your feedback on the new site! 

Questions? Contact the Superintendent’s Office:


Elementary Placement Update

June 24, 2022

Each summer, our principals assign all newly enrolled elementary students into one of our three elementary schools. Anacortes is a non-boundary district, so students are assigned to an elementary school based on a number of factors, including class size, sibling placement, parent preference, and transportation needs. 

Students who attended an ASD elementary school this past school year will attend that same school next year, unless you have requested a transfer. 

Placement timelines: 

  • June 30: First round of building placement emails will be sent for anyone with a completed registration by June 22. 

  • August 5: Second round of building placement emails will be sent for anyone with a completed registration by August 1. 

  • August 26: Teacher placement emails will be sent to all families; any final building placement emails will be sent as well. 

We encourage families to register early to help with our placement assignment process. Student registration paperwork can be found here:

Elementary school supplies are the same across all schools. The list of supplies can be found here:

Questions and appeals? Contact Anne Berard in the Teaching & Learning Department: or (360) 503-1212


District makes long term budget decision

June 03, 2022

The Anacortes School District is proactively reviewing its budget projections for future years and making adjustments based on student and staff needs in light of future federal funding reductions and a drop in student enrollment. For the 2022-23 projected annual budget, the Anacortes School District would face a $2.4 million shortfall. However, because of its proactive and conservative budgeting process and strong community support for passing school levies, the district will not need major budgetary adjustments for the 2022-23 school year. The district’s projected budget for 2022-23 and is currently estimated at $45,104,207.

The district anticipates continued declining enrollment rates in future years, due to various factors including declining birth rates and housing availability. The district’s student enrollment has dropped by almost 250 students over the past two school years due to COVID. School districts across the country have seen similar declining enrollment rates due to the pandemic. The district received federal and state COVID relief funding for the 2020-21 and 2021-2022 school years to support enrollment reductions and the costs associated with its response to COVID. Those funds will be exhausted during this next budget cycle.  

Next school year’s deficit will be made up through attrition, staff reassignment, continued use of COVID relief funds, while also using some of the district’s reserve fund. 

“We are working creatively to make budget adjustments, with our primary focus on serving students in the classroom. We are not reducing staff at this time. Some staff are being reassigned to other positions, and we will consider not filling other positions as they become vacant,” said Irish. 

The district has made the following reductions for the 2022-23 school year: 

  • Did not fill the Executive Director of Technology, Food, and Transportation. These duties have been reassigned to the Executive Director of Finance and Operations.
  • Reduced deans at Island View Elementary and Anacortes High School
  • Reduced materials, supplies, and operating expenditures   
  • Eliminated all positions funded by COVID-related grants 

COVID relief funds will end in 2022-2023, so the district is making long-term plans to ensure continued effective fiscal management. The district will continue to invest in long-term, proactive budget planning and filter all decisions through the district’s strategic five-year plan and annual operating plan.

“We commit to being transparent and taking a strategic approach to our budgeting process for next year to ensure high academic, social, and emotional student success,” said Irish. “We look forward to engaging stakeholders in our strategic planning and budget processes next year and beyond.” 

The school board will review the draft budget on August 11, 2022, and vote on the final budget on August 25, 2022. 

Questions? Superintendent Justin Irish (360) 503-1211 or 

duNann named as next AMS principal

February 06, 2022

Kia duNann has been named as the next principal at Anacortes Middle School, effective July 1, 2022. duNann has served as assistant principal at AMS for the past year. Prior to that, she served as assistant principal with the Snohomish School District, associate principal, activity coordinator/leadership teacher and special education teacher in the Lake Washington and Federal Way school districts.

“I believe that Kia will do an excellent job leading our middle school,” said Superintendent Justin Irish. “She has a tremendous amount of experience leading systems alignment and student improvement, and a proven commitment to serving all students.”  

duNann was chosen from a well-qualified pool of candidates. The interview process included several staff interviews, a performance exercise, and a public Q&A forum. Dr. Irish took the feedback from each step of the process into consideration before making a final decision. 

duNann received her undergraduate degree in special education from Gonzaga University, and her master’s degree in educational leadership from Seattle Pacific University. 

“I am honored and thrilled that I will be serving the AMS community as the principal next year,” said duNann. “I am grateful for this opportunity and I am really looking forward to continuing to build strong relationships with our students, staff, families, and community members. I love living in the community that I serve and am excited for what is ahead for all of us.”

duNann will oversee approximately 55 certificated and classified staff, and a student body of approximately 560 students at AMS. The principal serves on the District’s Leadership Team and helps guide the district’s focus on developing rigorous learning opportunities for all students. duNann takes over from current AMS principal Patrick Harrington, who has accepted a leadership position with the Oak Harbor School District, after nearly 20 years of service at Anacortes Middle School. 

Questions? Contact Superintendent Justin Irish, or (360) 503-1211

Duez named as next AHS principal

February 05, 2022

Dr. Erin Duez has been named the next principal at Anacortes High School, effective July 1, 2022. Duez currently serves as principal at Cap Sante High School and as assistant principal at Anacortes High School. 

"I believe Erin will be an excellent principal for students and staff. She has the adaptive, technical, and relationship skills for leading a high school," said Superintendent Justin Irish. "It was a difficult decision. We had two excellent, well-qualified candidates, and I carefully weighed feedback from staff, students, community, and families in each stage of the process before making a decision." 

Duez holds a doctorate degree in education from Seattle Pacific University, a master's degree in secondary education from Loyola Marymount University, and a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Bryn Mawr College. She previously taught science at middle and high schools, served as assistant principal at LaVenture Middle School in Mt. Vernon, and has served as an AVID coordinator and instructional coach. 

Duez will oversee approximately 80 certificated and classified staff and a student body of approximately 700 students. The principal serves on the District's Leadership Team and helps guide the district's focus on developing rigorous learning opportunities for all students. The high school is recognized for its high graduation rates and students' achievement in academics, arts, and extracurricular activities. 

The district will begin a recruitment process to fill Duez’s current role as principal at Cap Sante High School and AHS assistant principal. 

Questions? Contact Dr. Justin Irish, Superintendent, (360) 503-1211 or 

Unfounded threat at AMS

January 06, 2022

ASD has investigated a report of a possible weapon on its middle school campus this morning and found the threat to be unfounded. A student was interviewed and found not to be in possession nor have access to weapons. We worked with APD in conducting this investigation. The district has robust safety protocols in place that were followed. We appreciate the student who initially reported the concern so that it could be addressed appropriately. 

Questions? Contact Superintendent Justin Irish (360) 503-1211 or 

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