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The Anacortes School District strives to provide innovative and engaging learning experiences for students. Strategic planning that recognized the need to transition and transform learning using digital resources led to the passage of a technology levy in 2014 followed by it's renewal in 2018 and 2022. The resources provided by our levies resulted in the digital makeover of classrooms from analog environments with print-based materials to multimedia centers with a rich mix of print and digital resources to support learning.


What Does the District Do with the Levy Funds?

Our Technology Levies have provided the funding to support the purchase of laptops, online tools, multimedia audio/visual systems, and the necessary staffing and infrastructure to maintain connectivity in our classrooms. Levy funds were also used to support online/hybrid learning and additional staffing to support parents and families as our students navigated the challenges of learning remotely due to the impact of the COVID Pandemic. In the future, the Levy funds will play a crucial role in refreshing and replacing our technology resources as they naturally age and require replacement. The unwavering support we receive from our community for the Technology Levy is what makes this ongoing effort possible. Your continued commitment ensures that we can consistently enhance and renew our technological resources for an even more impactful learning environment.


Digital Transformation and Enhanced Learning

When used effectively, technology helps teaching and learning become more relevant for the student. Students can explore their own areas of interest while also mastering the content provided by their teachers. Technology can also offer teachers the ability to adjust the pacing for individual students, allowing some students to work at a rapid pace while allowing others to work more strategically with the goal that all achieve competency in the subjects they are studying. The Technology Levy has provided students in the Anacortes School District a rich learning experience that simply wouldn't be possible otherwise.


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