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District Reaches Agreement

May 06, 2022

The Anacortes School District has reached an agreement with Daniel Williams, principal at Anacortes High School. Williams was hired as principal on July 1, 2021. The district’s insurance provider will cover the costs of the settlement. 

The district denies any of the allegations made in Williams’ claims. Both parties acknowledge that the agreement is not, and will not be construed as an admission of wrongdoing, liability or a violation of any duty, contract, law or regulation. Mr. Williams is no longer serving as principal at Anacortes High School. 

The district will continue to support the high school staff and students, especially through busy year-end activities. Families, students, and staff should reach out to Dr. Erin Duez if they have questions or need additional support. Superintendent Irish, Assistant Superintendent Becky Clifford, and other members of the district’s leadership team will continue to provide support as needed.


Questions? Contact Superintendent Justin Irish, or (360) 503-1211

Finalists Named for AHS Principal

May 06, 2022

Dr. Erin Duez and Dr. Brian Hanrahan have been named as finalists for the principal position at Anacortes High School. Staff, families, students, and community members are invited to a public forum on Monday, May 23, 2022, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Brodniak Auditorium at Anacortes High School to hear a brief presentation from each candidate and engage in an audience Q&A. This presentation will also be live-streamed ( Feedback will be collected both in-person and electronically, although only in-person audience members will be able to ask questions of the candidates. 

These finalists will also take part in a multi-part interview panel at Anacortes High School next week, which will include meeting with students and staff, a building tour, and a performance exercise. 

Duez currently serves as Principal at Cap Sante High School and Assistant Principal at Anacortes High School. Hanrahan currently serves as Principal at Island View Elementary in Anacortes.

“This process has multiple facets to ensure that the successful candidate is able to navigate all aspects of the job,” said Superintendent Justin Irish. “We want to see how they engage with students, staff, and families. We also want to understand how they use decision-making processes to design rigorous learning opportunities for students.” 

The finalists were selected from a well-qualified pool of applicants following a comprehensive search for the next leader of Anacortes High School. An interview panel, composed of high school staff, student representatives, district administrators, and the superintendent chose the finalists for their background and experience leading schools and establishing a positive school culture. 

The principal at Anacortes High School oversees approximately 80 certificated and classified staff, and a student body of approximately 700 students. The high school has been recognized in the past for its high graduation rates, and achievement of students in academics, arts, and extracurricular activities. The principal serves on the District’s Leadership Team and helps guide the district’s focus on developing rigorous learning opportunities for all students. 

Questions? Superintendent Justin Irish, or (360) 503-1211 

AMS principal joining Oak Harbor leaders

April 19, 2022

Anacortes Middle School Principal Patrick Harrington has accepted a position with the Oak Harbor School District as Assistant Superintendent, beginning with the 2022-2023 school year. 

Harrington has served with the Anacortes School District for nearly 20 years, serving as assistant principal and principal at Anacortes Middle School. Harrington has also served as the district’s safety director for the past five years. 

“It has been a tremendous honor to serve the district, its families, and its students for the past two decades,” said Harrington. “It has also been a pleasure serving under Superintendent Irish, as he guided our team through a couple of tough years. Our team is stronger because of his leadership. It was a very tough decision to leave the district.”  

Harrington noted he is grateful for the collaborative team at the middle school and district office. 

“The opportunity at Oak Harbor is the right step for me, professionally and personally, at this stage in my career, though I will be sad to leave the close friends and colleagues I have here in Anacortes,” said Harrington. 

Dr. Justin Irish noted Harrington’s strength in building relationships with his staff, families, and students. 

“Patrick’s knowledge of the community, district operations, and past practices has been invaluable to me,” said Irish. “He is truly a team player who will be missed. As sad as I am seeing him leave our district, I am excited for him to have a new opportunity. I fully support him as he advances in his career.” 

The district will develop a recruitment plan to hire the next middle school principal, with opportunities for staff and community input.  


Questions? Superintendent Justin Irish, (360) 503-1211 or 

AHS Principal hiring process

April 15, 2022

We are partnering with Northwest Leadership Associates to recruit and screen applicants for the AHS principal position. The new principal’s first day will be July 1, 2022. There are multiple opportunities for the community to engage throughout the process. Applications are currently being accepted through April 29. 

Surveys for all Families, Staff, Students, and Community

survey is currently open to all families, staff, students, and community members to gather feedback on leadership characteristics and qualities that you would like to see in our next principal. Please respond by April 20. 

Applicant Screening Process 

Northwest Leadership Associates will review all applicants and conduct background checks and references. They will support the executive leadership team and the superintendent in choosing 6-8 candidates to interview. We will use feedback from the survey to help identify applicants for interviews.

Interview Process 

A staff and student panel will interview selected candidates and choose 2-3 to move forward. The top 2 to 3 candidates will participate in multiple interviews and building tours with staff, students, and administrators and present to the community in a public forum. 

Community Forum for all Families, Staff, Students, and Community

Families, staff, students, and community members are invited to a community forum with the top 2-3 candidates on Monday, May 23 at 5:30 p.m. at Brodniak Auditorium. Candidates will present and answer questions from in-person audience members. The forum will also be live-streamed ( 

Feedback on the candidates will be collected both in-person and electronically, although only in-person audience members will be able to ask questions of the candidates. 

Final Interviews

The superintendent will conduct final interviews with the top 2-3 candidates and decide based on feedback from all groups involved, performance throughout the interview process, and background and reference checks. 

Thank you for engaging in this important process. We look forward to your participation and feedback about the candidates.  

Questions? Contact the Superintendent's Office: (360) 503-1211 or

District responds to recent allegations

April 08, 2022

We are disappointed that our local newspaper recently shared a narrow perspective about the demotion and resignation of our high school principal, Daniel Williams, and the resignation of Jamie Woodards as assessment and special projects coordinator. If given the time and opportunity to respond, we would have been prepared to share our perspectives.

The District believes in the capacity of students, parents, and staff to respond to bias and lead in an inclusive, equity-focused way. The District is committed to creating an inclusive environment and has high expectations for its school leaders and employees. It has a solid commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and views its decisions using that frame. The District recognizes individual and systemic racism exists in society and believes it essential to engage in conversations about inequities but denies that race played any role in the District's employment decisions related to Mr. Williams and Ms. Woodards.

Mr. Williams began serving as the Anacortes High School principal on July 1, 2021. As with any new principal, we implemented several measures to support him in becoming a successful principal. 

The support included: 

  • Before the school year, the District partnered with community leaders to sponsor two community-based welcoming events for Mr. Williams. 

  • The District encouraged Mr. Williams to become active in the Anacortes community, including attending school and community functions. 

  • The District scheduled monthly formal meetings with his evaluator and provided continuous feedback to support day-to-day operations. 

  • The District assigned a formal mentor, supported by the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP). He had unlimited access to the mentor. 

  • The District provided ongoing feedback and support from the district office executive team to plan and implement day-to-day operations and school improvement processes.

  • The District scheduled monthly meetings with all district leadership and principals to understand timely district operations, align leadership, and manage instructional practices

  • The District provided formal onboarding meetings with the District's executive team to discuss operations and leadership specific to Anacortes School District. Topics include: understanding the District's strategic plan and policy governance; developing shared-decision making processes and partnerships with union leadership; identifying critical timelines expected throughout the school year; using technology tools and student safety; understanding curriculum adoption; learning about special education processes; using technology, food services, and transportation functions; implementing teacher evaluation systems; accessing finance and budgets; and understanding community and public relations.

By November of 2021, significant issues with Mr. Williams' performance became apparent. We discussed a Plan of Improvement by mid-year, which would have provided increased feedback and coaching support toward meeting his goals. Mr. Williams refused this assistance. 

By March, the District determined that Mr. Williams' leadership as a principal did not meet performance standards. Ultimately, the District changed his assignment, guaranteeing him continued employment by offering him a teaching position for the next school year. Mr. Williams refused the teaching assignment and resigned. 

Mr. Williams claims that he did not have input regarding the hiring process for the assistant principal position. This claim is inaccurate; he was a member of the interview team. There were two finalists selected. One candidate did not have high school experience; we did not choose this person to hire. The position also serves as principal of Cap Sante High School, which reports directly to the superintendent. The superintendent is always the final decision-maker for principal and assistant principal roles.  

Because Mr. Williams and Ms. Woodards have chosen to pursue legal claims, the District will not comment on either situation further. The District is confident that its decisions will be upheld through the legal process. 

The District's top priority and focus remain on the education of its students.


Dr. Justin Irish, Superintendent 


Board expresses support for Superintendent, process

The Anacortes School Board unequivocally supports Dr. Justin Irish as the superintendent of Anacortes School District; we have complete confidence in his leadership. Dr. Irish and the Board are firmly committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The District’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy is our guide as we collaborate with district students, staff, and community to accomplish high standards and equitable outcomes for all students.

The Board was made aware of concerns about Mr. Williams’ leadership performance in November. The superintendent, district staff, and a mentor have supported Mr. Williams throughout the school year; however, there has been limited progress. We expect all Anacortes School District staff to have the support they need to be successful, and it is disappointing that Mr. Williams was unable to make the necessary improvements. Dr. Irish has years of experience mentoring, supporting, and evaluating school principals. As a Board, we are confident Dr. Irish is following the appropriate staff evaluation process.


Jennie Beltramini, Board President

Diana Farnsworth, Board Vice President 

Matt Cutter

Marilyn Hanesworth

Meredith McIlmoyle

Questions? Contact Superintendent Justin Irish, or (360) 503-1211

We're hiring: Anacortes HS Principal

April 05, 2022

The Anacortes School District is hiring for a new Anacortes High School principal, effective with the 2022-23 school year. The principal is responsible for oversight and management of Anacortes High School, its 700 students, and 80 staff members. The high school is in a new state-of-the-art facility, and has a wide range of academics, athletics, and activities. Students are high achievers in diverse programs, such as performing arts, career & technical education, Advanced Placement courses, and more. Current high school principal Daniel Williams is resigning from the district, effective July 1, 2022. 

AHS currently has an on-time graduation rate of 90 percent and has consistently been ranked as one of the best high schools in the state by US News and World Report. 

Application materials can be found online: Applicants should apply by April 29th for first consideration. The district is engaged in a comprehensive search process, including interviews with students, staff, and parents. 

A survey link for families, staff, students, and community members to provide feedback is located here:  

Questions? Contact Connie Sheridan, Human Resources Director, (360) 503-1221; 

District phasing in new COVID guidelines

March 11, 2022

The Washington State Department of Health recently released their updated COVID guidance and requirements for K-12 schools

Key updates are below. 

Changes Effective March 12

  • Masks become optional in all school facilities & buses, except in health rooms. 

  • Contact tracing is no longer required. 

  • Physical distancing (3 and 6 feet) is no longer required. Districts are encouraged to maintain physical distancing as much as possible without interfering with the school’s instructional, social/ emotional/ behavioral, and operational needs. 

  • Sports testing is no longer required. 

Phased-in Changes

  • Building principals will assess desk arrangements, cafeteria set-up, recess cohorts, and other building changes. These changes will likely be implemented during the week of March 21.

  • Field trips and expanded volunteer programs will likely be phased in after Spring Break. 

Other requirements remaining in place*

  • All employees & volunteers in educational settings are required to be fully vaccinated or have a medical or religious exemption.**

  • Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate at home following current DOH and CDC isolation guidelines, regardless of vaccination status.

  • Staff will continue to be notified when there is an exposure in their school/ department. 

  • The district will continue to update the COVID dashboard every other week. 

  • School-Based Testing remains in place for students and staff to access an on-site COVID test. More information can be found here:

The district will continue to take a cautious approach in removing mitigation measures, following state and local guidance. 

Thank you for your continued support and flexibility throughout the pandemic. 


*A full list is available in the updated guidance:

**A person is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 two weeks after they have received the second dose in a two-dose series of a COVID-19 vaccine (e.g., Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) or a single dose COVID-19 vaccine (e.g., Johnson & Johnson (J&J)/Janssen) authorized for emergency use, licensed, or otherwise approved by the FDA or listed for emergency use or otherwise approved by the World Health Organization.

duNann named as next AMS principal

February 06, 2022

Kia duNann has been named as the next principal at Anacortes Middle School, effective July 1, 2022. duNann has served as assistant principal at AMS for the past year. Prior to that, she served as assistant principal with the Snohomish School District, associate principal, activity coordinator/leadership teacher and special education teacher in the Lake Washington and Federal Way school districts.

“I believe that Kia will do an excellent job leading our middle school,” said Superintendent Justin Irish. “She has a tremendous amount of experience leading systems alignment and student improvement, and a proven commitment to serving all students.”  

duNann was chosen from a well-qualified pool of candidates. The interview process included several staff interviews, a performance exercise, and a public Q&A forum. Dr. Irish took the feedback from each step of the process into consideration before making a final decision. 

duNann received her undergraduate degree in special education from Gonzaga University, and her master’s degree in educational leadership from Seattle Pacific University. 

“I am honored and thrilled that I will be serving the AMS community as the principal next year,” said duNann. “I am grateful for this opportunity and I am really looking forward to continuing to build strong relationships with our students, staff, families, and community members. I love living in the community that I serve and am excited for what is ahead for all of us.”

duNann will oversee approximately 55 certificated and classified staff, and a student body of approximately 560 students at AMS. The principal serves on the District’s Leadership Team and helps guide the district’s focus on developing rigorous learning opportunities for all students. duNann takes over from current AMS principal Patrick Harrington, who has accepted a leadership position with the Oak Harbor School District, after nearly 20 years of service at Anacortes Middle School. 

Questions? Contact Superintendent Justin Irish, or (360) 503-1211

Duez named as next AHS principal

February 05, 2022

Dr. Erin Duez has been named the next principal at Anacortes High School, effective July 1, 2022. Duez currently serves as principal at Cap Sante High School and as assistant principal at Anacortes High School. 

"I believe Erin will be an excellent principal for students and staff. She has the adaptive, technical, and relationship skills for leading a high school," said Superintendent Justin Irish. "It was a difficult decision. We had two excellent, well-qualified candidates, and I carefully weighed feedback from staff, students, community, and families in each stage of the process before making a decision." 

Duez holds a doctorate degree in education from Seattle Pacific University, a master's degree in secondary education from Loyola Marymount University, and a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Bryn Mawr College. She previously taught science at middle and high schools, served as assistant principal at LaVenture Middle School in Mt. Vernon, and has served as an AVID coordinator and instructional coach. 

Duez will oversee approximately 80 certificated and classified staff and a student body of approximately 700 students. The principal serves on the District's Leadership Team and helps guide the district's focus on developing rigorous learning opportunities for all students. The high school is recognized for its high graduation rates and students' achievement in academics, arts, and extracurricular activities. 

The district will begin a recruitment process to fill Duez’s current role as principal at Cap Sante High School and AHS assistant principal. 

Questions? Contact Dr. Justin Irish, Superintendent, (360) 503-1211 or 

Unfounded threat at AMS

January 06, 2022

ASD has investigated a report of a possible weapon on its middle school campus this morning and found the threat to be unfounded. A student was interviewed and found not to be in possession nor have access to weapons. We worked with APD in conducting this investigation. The district has robust safety protocols in place that were followed. We appreciate the student who initially reported the concern so that it could be addressed appropriately. 

Questions? Contact Superintendent Justin Irish (360) 503-1211 or 

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