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This year the district will be studying the secondary schedules (i.e., number of periods in the day, etc.). This does not include start and end times.
Why? AMS and AHS share students and staff. We need to study the secondary schedules to create coherence and fiscally responsive decisions resulting in better student experiences.
There will be an Internal Committee comprised of staff and an Advisory Council comprised of families and community members. The Advisory Council and Internal Committee will provide feedback on the district scheduling study to support student-centered decision-making around staffing and budget.
Please submit your interest by September 23, 2022.
Meetings will be hosted from October through January. Dates will be provided when selection decisions are made by the first week in October.
Questions? Dr. Becky Clifford, Assistant Superintendent, (360) 503-1214 or
The district’s grounds crew is developing a plan to improve landscaping around Anacortes High School, following some recent changes in how the grounds are managed.
Community members have raised concerns about the state of the grounds, and the district takes these concerns seriously. Our team is currently working on ways to make improvements to ensure that the landscaping is more manageable to maintain in the future.
A lot of landscaping was added during the construction of the high school and a large portion of it is very labor intensive to maintain. During the first year, the flower beds were maintained by the contractor in accordance with the original contract and warranty. The cost of continuing this contract for grounds maintenance at the high school was prohibitive financially. While we have greatly appreciated the volunteers that have helped do some weeding, we know that volunteers are not a regular or long-term solution.
The two-man grounds crew has not been able to keep up with all of the newly added landscaping in addition to maintaining the other five school grounds. The district has 60 acres of land to maintain. Based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics an acceptable level would be one staff per 20 acres. Unfortunately, due to a tight budget this year and budget reductions next year, we will not be able to add any new employees to this crew. This greatly impacts our ability to maintain our grounds district-wide to an "acceptable level.”
Our grounds department desires to have grounds our community can be proud of. The grounds crews are developing an action plan to maintain the grounds both in the short and long-term.
Questions? Mike Sullivan, Executive Director of Finance & Operations (360) 503-1213 or
Ride 360 is an app or website that allows families to access their child’s bus route information, including pick up and drop off times, locations, and bus status.
Parents will need to register with Ride 360. Instructions are posted on our website. Once you are registered, you will find your child by using their Skyward Other ID number (under Student Info) and school name.
Remember to request transportation for your child first, if you haven’t already done so. This is done through Skyward, selecting the 2022-23 Transportation Request form.
More information is available on our Transportation website, or by calling (360) 503-1155
The Anacortes School District recently adopted a new 5-year Strategic Plan, which sets measurable and achievable goals for the next five years. The strategic plan is anchored by four pillars: Quality Instruction & Curriculum, Partnerships, Social-Emotional Learning, and Stewardship, with Equity at the core of all district work.
“The new Strategic Plan is built on the quality work done by the community, staff, and students during the last update in 2017,” said Jennie Beltramini, board president. “We have enhanced the plan to ensure that the goals are measurable and meet the shifting needs of our students, staff, and families.”
The Anacortes School Board also voted unanimously to approve the district’s 2022-23 budget on Thursday, August 25, 2022. The $45 million budget reflects an investment in student academic achievement, social-emotional learning, and high quality staff. Nearly 88 percent of the district’s budget supports staff salaries and benefits.
The 2022-23 budget also utilizes nearly $2 million in district reserves, due to declining enrollment, increased costs across all departments, and loss of one-time federal COVID funding.
“While this budget reflects a significant investment in our students and our staff, we will have some difficult decisions to make this year as we plan proactively for future budgets,” said Superintendent Justin Irish. “We continue to be committed to rigorous learning for all students, and will continue to make efficient use of our resources.”
This year’s budget includes continued support of teaching and learning; arts, activities, and athletics; school safety improvements; facility and utility maintenance; and high quality transportation, food, and technology services.
“We look forward to engaging with staff and community as we plan ahead to proactively re-balance our budget for future years, maintaining a focus on our strategic plan,” said Beltramini.
Questions? Contact Superintendent Justin Irish, or 360-503-1211
Families will begin receiving their annual back to school packets from the district next week. Included in this packet is:
Each household in the district will receive one packet. If you did not receive one, or would like to purchase an additional calendar, please contact the Superintendent’s Office: (360) 503-1211 or
Please note that there is a typo on the printed calendars; Friday, September 23rd is a K-5 Half Day for students.
We are returning to paid meals this year, after federal funding provided the last 2 years of meals throughout the pandemic.
Paid pricing is as follows:
We encourage families who may qualify for free & reduced meals to submit an application. Even if your child does not eat school meals, you may also qualify for other financial incentives. Washington State is also waiving all reduced price meals copays, meaning meals will be free for all families qualifying for reduced price meals. Please complete an application, and return it to any school:
If you have any questions, contact the Child Nutrition Office at 360-503-1377
Teacher placement emails, and any remaining building placement emails will go out on Friday, August 26 in the afternoon. If you don’t receive your email, or have questions, please contact our Teaching & Learning Department at (360) 503-1212 or
All elementary students and their families are welcome to attend Meet & Greets at their school. Fidalgo, Mt. Erie, and Island View Elementaries will host Meet & Greets on Thursday, September 1 from 3:30 - 5:30. Stop in any time, look around the school, and meet your teacher and principal.
We are launching a new transportation system this year to better serve our families. If you have not yet registered your child(ren) for transportation this year, please do so: If your student(s) will need district transportation, please login to Skyward Family Access to submit a Transportation Request Form for each student.
Students in grades 4-12 should take a few moments before the new school year to charge and power on their Chromebooks to make sure they have everything they need to start the year right! If you have any issues with your Chromebook, or you are missing accessories (power cords, stylus, etc) please contact Technology Services ASAP so we can get it taken care of!
You can reach Technology Services at 360-503-1220 or by stopping by the local Technology Services office in your school.
Students are expected to bring their charged devices with them to school on Sept 6!
For other technology updates, including new password requirements, check out our website:
A list of school supplies is posted on our website:
*2nd grade families - some items were inadvertently left off the list posted earlier. Please review the current list for updated items. If you experience any hardship in purchasing items, please reach out to your building principal.
Reach out if you have any questions:, (360) 503-1200, or
The Anacortes School District is launching a new transportation system this year. This new system will help us better serve our families. If your student(s) will need district transportation, please login to Skyward Family Access to submit a Transportation Request Form for each student. Each student rider must have a Transportation Request Form completed. Please complete this form as soon as possible. If you don’t yet know your elementary building assignment, please complete this as soon as you receive your building assignment (on or around August 26th).
If your student needs bus transportation, please do the following (if not, no action is required):
Navigate to the Skyward Family Access login screen
Enter your login credentials. Your login ID is typically firstname.lastname. If you do not know your credentials, please select “Forgot your Login/Password?” An account/password reset link will be sent to your email address on file with the district.
Once in, you will be at the Family Access home screen where you can access all students in your family by selecting the dropdown arrow at the top left.
To access the form, please navigate to the “Online Forms” on the left side of the screen
Select Step 1) 2022-2023 Transportation Request
Fill out the form and click “Complete Step 1”
Complete Step 2) by clicking “Submit 2022-2023 Transportation Request”
We look forward to seeing you in September!
Screenshot instructions are available here as well.
Questions? Contact the Transportation Office: (360) 503-1155 or
Walks in the forestlands, trips to Rosario Beach and Deception Pass and dance moves with Fidalgo Danceworks are all a part of the Impact summer learning program that is taking place throughout July.
“We are so excited to be bringing back field trips, which were on hold during the pandemic,” said Assistant Superintendent Becky Clifford.
The goal of Impact is to support students in academic and social-emotional learning through the summer to keep them engaged and ready to return to school. Each day consists of core instruction (reading and math) connected to enrichment activities like movement or nature talks at Washington Park. The district is partnering with Fidalgo Danceworks, Denise Crowe from the Samish Nation, Joy Kacoroski from Deception Pass State Park, and Friends of the Forest.
The 120 kindergarten through fifth grade students have attended five days a week, three hours each day. In collaboration with teachers, the multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) facilitators referred students to the program. Incoming kindergarten students were referred by ASD early learning partners through a similar process, based on WaKids data.
The program includes 12 classroom teachers, 12 paraeducators, one principal, one nurse and one office assistant. Impact Principal Kelly Cox has been leading the team.
“I am excited for the opportunity to support students and staff this summer,” she said.
Funding for Impact is provided by Anacortes Schools Foundation and an anonymous donor. In addition to staffing and curriculum, it covers transportation and lunches. For more information, please email
Our community bulletin board is updated throughout the summer with community events, summer camps, and more. Check it out here:
If you would like to have an item included, please contact Torhil Ramsay in the Superintendent's Office: 360-503-1211 or
The latest issue of the Anacortes Pride, the district's quarterly newsletter, is out now. The Pride is mailed to every Anacortes household. Check out this issue for graduation highlights, senior profiles, district retirees, and much more!
If you would like additional copies, or have any questions or feedback, please contact the Superintendent's Office at
The Anacortes School District has launched a new website ( The new platform was selected by a committee of district staff and parents. The new site offers better compliance with ADA requirements and is easier for staff to update and maintain. The new site has also been designed to be more compatible with mobile devices.
We will continue to update and refine content over the summer. Please reach out if you find errors, or typos, or have any questions: We welcome your feedback on the new site!
Questions? Contact the Superintendent’s Office: