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2024-25 Budget Reduction Summary

May 14, 2024

2024-25 Budget Reduction Summary
A message from Superintendent Dr. Justin Irish

Dear Anacortes School District families and community:

School districts across Washington State are grappling with financial challenges due to declining enrollment and increasing expenses, compounded by insufficient state funding. Our district faces similar issues, navigating the complexities of maintaining financial stability. Our fund balance is 1.3 percent, below the 4 percent threshold set by our board policy. Although the board allows a four-year window to rebuild this balance, the impact remains significant.

Based on future enrollment and state revenue projections, our goal is to reduce our budget deficit by $1.4 million for the 2024-2025 school year. This communication marks the initial step in our efforts to achieve the goal. We anticipate sharing further reductions toward meeting this goal by the end of the year.

Furthermore, without additional revenue from the state in the next legislative session, we will need to implement further reductions for the 2025-2026 school year.  

Our primary focus is to minimize the impact of budget reductions on our students. We've concentrated on reducing expenses as far from the classrooms as possible. Consequently, most cuts have affected support roles and central office staff. Even though most of these adjustments are farthest from the classroom, it's essential to recognize the challenges and negative consequences of any role or program reduction within our district. Every reduction negatively impacts students. 

Despite unanimous agreement that no reductions are ideal, our financial reality dictates otherwise. Nonetheless, every decision was made carefully considering its potential impact on our students and their educational experience. I'd like to express my gratitude to the Budget Advisory Committee, comprising parents, community members, and staff, for their valuable feedback during the decision-making process amid these challenging circumstances. Your time and effort have been instrumental in guiding our decisions.

Summary of 2024-25 Budget Development Decisions:

Staffing and Salary Decisions

  • Reduce administrative positions 
    -  Eliminate the Teaching and Learning Director position.
    -  Decrease contracted days for the Food Service Supervisor position (for the next fiscal year).
    -  Decrease contracted days for the Transportation Supervisor position (for the next fiscal year).
  • Freeze salary increases for the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Executive Director of Finance & Operations. 
  • Eliminate one Custodian position.
  • Eliminate one Transportation Dispatcher position.
  • Reduce substitute expenses for Administrative Assistants, Custodians, and Principals.
  • Eliminate stipends for teachers facilitating professional learning communities.
  • Reduced 0.94 Provisional Teaching Positions at Anacortes High School.   

Program Decisions

  • Reduce materials, supplies, and operating expenditures for co-curricular at each school.
  • Reduce general budgets at each school.
  • Decrease the curriculum and professional development budget in the Teaching and Learning department.
  • Implement transportation efficiencies by rerouting bus routes and adjusting bell schedules at elementary schools.
  • Decrease the distribution of laptops by implementing a two-to-one ratio for laptop devices in certain elementary grade levels. 
  • Reduce materials, supplies, and operating costs in the Communication and Public Relations department, including postage, printing, and contract services.

Efforts to balance the budget remain ongoing as we navigate a web of uncertainties. While we've projected student enrollment for the upcoming year, the true impact hinges on variables beyond our control: the number of students who enroll, the funding we receive from the State, and the looming specter of unfunded mandates. 

To tackle these challenges head-on, we're poised to engage with legislators and foster open dialogue with multiple interested parties, including students, staff, families, and community members. I'm grateful for our legislators' attention and collaboration; their willingness to listen and work with us at the table is invaluable. Our dedication to advocating for our students, educators, and the broader cause of public education stands firm, echoed by many within our community. 

As a united community, we can ensure that every child receives a high-quality education supported by adequate state funding. Together, we remain focused on our commitment to these collective efforts to shape this future reality.


If you have any questions or comments please email 

Bell Schedule Adjustments for 2024-25 School Year

May 10, 2024

Anacortes School District Announces Bell Schedule Adjustments for 2024-25 School Year
May 10, 2024

The Anacortes School District will adjust bell schedules for the 2024-25 school year. These adjustments aim to enhance bus route efficiency, student well-being, and financial savings. By reconfiguring bus schedules and reducing the number of routes, the school district anticipates annual transportation cost savings of approximately $130,000.

To achieve our budget reduction goals, the district focused on reducing budgets in three key areas: 1) Staffing, 2) K-12 Co-Curricular, and 3) Transportation. More information about our actions with staffing and co-curricular will be shared over the next couple of weeks. 

For more information regarding why the district faces financial challenges, please refer to our latest community budget update by clicking here.   

Superintendent Dr. Justin Irish said, “We acknowledge the profound impact that adjusting bell schedules can have on families. Our decision-making process was greatly enriched by the invaluable input from the Budget Advisory Committee, whose expertise and insights were instrumental in shaping this decision. It involved a delicate balance between meeting the needs of families and managing budget constraints. Additionally, we value the feedback provided by families many years ago, advocating for later start times, especially for high school students. Consequently, we opted to honor the existing schedule for the high schools and the middle school. After thoroughly considering these factors, including the invaluable input from families over the years, we arrived at this course of action for our elementary schools.” 

Key changes to bell schedules are below:

Fidalgo Elementary

  • Fidalgo Elementary will begin classes 5 minutes earlier, with the new start time at 9:00 AM.
  • Fidalgo Elementary school day will conclude 5 minutes earlier, ending at 3:30 PM.
  • On early release Wednesdays, the school day will also conclude 5 minutes earlier, ending at 2:30 PM. 
  • On half days, the school day will conclude 5 minutes earlier, ending at 12:00 PM. 

Island View Elementary

  • Island View Elementary will start 15 minutes later, with classes beginning at 9:20 AM.
  • Island View Elementary school day will conclude 15 minutes later, concluding at 3:50 PM.
  • On early release Wednesdays, the school day will also conclude 15 minutes later, ending at 2:50 PM. 
  • On half days, the school day will also conclude 15 minutes later, ending at 12:20 PM. 

Mount Erie Elementary

  • Mount Erie Elementary will start 15 minutes later, with classes beginning at 9:15 AM. 
  • Mount Erie Elementary school day will conclude 15 minutes later, concluding at 3:45 PM.
  • On early release Wednesdays, the school day will also conclude 15 minutes later, ending at 2:45 PM. 
  • On half days, the school day will conclude 15 minutes later, ending at 12:15 PM. 

There are no changes to the bell schedules for the following schools: 

  • Whitney Early Childhood Education Center 
  • Anacortes Middle School  
  • Anacortes High School  
  • Cap Sante High School  

The Anacortes School District appreciates the understanding and flexibility of our students, families, and staff as these adjustments are implemented. The District remains committed to providing an exceptional education for all. 

Thank you for contributing to the successful transition to the new bell schedule in the 2024-25 school year!

If you have any questions or comments please email 

Anacortes School District Daily Schedule Printable

Daily Schedule

Sam Guzik- Winner of the Brodniak Award

May 02, 2024

Anacortes School District Announces Sam Guzik as the Winner of the 2024 Brodniak Cultural Education Award

May 2, 2024

Sam GuzikThe Anacortes School District is thrilled to announce that Sam Guzik, a dedicated educator and passionate advocate for the arts, has been awarded the prestigious Brodniak Cultural Education Award for 2024. This annual award recognizes outstanding contributions to cultural arts education within our district.

Mr. Guzik, a sixth-grade drama teacher at Anacortes Middle School, has left a lasting impression on our students’ artistic journeys. His dedication to nurturing creativity, self-expression, and excellence has impacted the lives of numerous young artists in our district. 

“I feel extremely fortunate to work in a place that values and supports the Arts as an integral part of a child's education. Theatre played a huge role in my educational journey and gave me a place to belong and thrive.  I am so thankful for my job and that I can provide opportunities to students just as they were given to me, said Guzik.”

For 7 years, Sam has guided student groups in creating and producing quarterly showcases that are presented to the entire school and directed several original and professional plays.

Through his mentorship, students discover a passion for drama that extends beyond middle school. Thanks to Sam's influence, many choose to continue their theatrical journey in high school. His contagious enthusiasm encourages students to explore their creativity and find their unique voices.

Anacortes Middle School Principal Kia duNann said, “Anacortes Middle School owes much of its vibrant drama program to Sam’s tireless efforts. His contributions have elevated the arts scene across the district. Anacortes Middle School Principal Kia duNann said we are thrilled to be able to offer 2 drama classes next year directed by Mr. Guzik because our students love his drama class! The fun and entertaining performances that our students get to watch or participate in have really grown their interest in theatre arts which is incredible. We are very fortunate to have Mr. Guzik, an actor and writer himself, investing in our young actor's lives. He directs our afterschool musicals and productions as well and it is such an enriching experience for our students to be able to participate in these programs, I am grateful to Mr. Guzik for his time commitment and high levels of enthusiasm for the arts. I am beyond thrilled for him to receive this award, much deserved. Way to go Sam!” 

Anacortes Middle School Teacher Molly Robbins, who nominated Sam Guzik for this award said, “His impact reaches far beyond the classroom. He nurtures not just actors but also young souls hungry for self-expression.”

The Brodniak Cultural Education Award honors educators like Sam who passionately cultivate a love for the arts within education. Congratulations, Sam Guzik!

Mr. Guzik will be honored at the Thursday, May 16, 2024, School Board Meeting at 6:15 pm. 


Photo: Mr. Guzik in front of his classroom door filled with positive notes from his students.

Information about the Brodniak Cultural Education Award

My Ride K-12 Bus Route App as Ride 360 Replacement

April 30, 2024

Anacortes School District Introduces My Ride K-12 Bus Route App as Ride 360 Replacement
April 30, 2024

The Anacortes School District is excited to announce the transition from the Ride 360 app to the new My Ride K-12 app. Effective immediately, My Ride K-12 will serve as the replacement for Ride 360, streamlining transportation communication for parents, students, and staff.


  • Download My Ride K-12 Now: Parents and guardians are encouraged to download the My Ride K-12 app from their preferred app store. The app is available on both the Apple App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android).
  • My Ride K-12 – Apple App Store (iOS)
  • My Ride K-12 – Google Play Store (Android)
  • Login Credentials Remain Unchanged: Users’ login credentials for My Ride K-12 will be the same as those used in the Ride 360 app. No need to create new accounts; simply log in with your existing information.
  • Ride 360 Removal: The Ride 360 app will be removed from app stores by May 1, 2024. After this date, it will no longer be available for download or updates.


Transition Steps:

  • Download My Ride K-12.
  • Log in using your existing credentials.
  • Explore the app’s features, including real-time bus tracking, notifications, and route information.
  • Once successfully logged in, feel free to delete the Ride 360 app from your devices.

We appreciate your cooperation as we enhance our transportation services. My Ride K-12 promises a user-friendly experience, ensuring efficient communication between families and the Anacortes School District.

For additional information, please visit the FAQ page with resources to assist you during this transition or visit our website.

RFP for Whitney Early Learning Center Facility Space Utilization

April 18, 2024

Anacortes School District Announces Request for Proposals (RFP) for Whitney Early Learning Center Facility Space Utilization
Anacortes, WA - April 18, 2024

The Anacortes School District (ASD) is excited to announce its Request for Proposals (RFP), inviting organizations to collaborate in utilizing the space at the Whitney Early Learning Center. This initiative is designed to address the community’s critical needs for childcare services and a blended preschool program.

About the Whitney Learning Center 
The Whitney Early Learning Center is a vibrant educational institute that fosters early childhood development and provides a nurturing environment for young learners. The facility boasts two wings, each housing four spacious classrooms, creating an ideal setting for educational exploration and growth.

Details of the RFP
The ASD recognizes the importance of early education and its impact on lifelong learning. By partnering with external organizations, we seek to maximize the utilization of the Whitney Early Learning Center. Our goal is to enhance access to quality childcare services and create a seamless transition for preschool-aged children as they begin their educational journey.

The RFP process is divided into two sections, corresponding to the two wings of the Whitney Early Learning Center. Each wing comprises four classrooms, providing ample space for innovative programs and services. Organizations interested in collaborating with the ASD are invited to submit proposals that align with our mission of promoting early childhood education.

Important Dates
To ensure a transparent and efficient process, we have established the following timeline:

  • April 18 - May 14: Advertise and Open the RFP Application Process
    Organizations can access the RFP details and submit their proposals during this period.
  • May 14 - May 17: Review and Selection
    The ASD team will carefully evaluate all proposals to identify the most suitable partners.
  • May 16 - May 17: Notifications including the School Board
    Selected organizations will receive official notifications, and the School Board will be informed.
  • May 17 - June 3: Contract Drafted and Prepared for June 16 Board Meeting
    We will work collaboratively with chosen partners to finalize contractual agreements.
  • June 16: Contract for Board Review
    The School Board will review and approve the contracts, solidifying the partnerships.
  • August: Transition into the New Location
    Successful organizations will begin their operations at the Whitney Early Learning Center.

For more information and to access the RFP documents

Dr. Rebecca Clifford, Assistant Superintendent Contact:, 360-503-1212

Anacortes School District Communications Contact: Nicole Tesch,, 360-503-1211

Healing Together- Transition Plan after Tragedy

April 12, 2024

Healing Together- Transition Plan after Tragedy
A message from Superintendent Dr. Justin Irish

Dear Anacortes School District families,

Many of you have asked what the transition back to school will look like at Island View Elementary on Monday after the heartbreaking loss of our fifth-grade teacher, Caitlin Follstad. As we navigate this difficult time, we prioritize providing emotional support, maintaining continuity, and fostering resilience. This transition plan outlines our approach to help students, staff, and families cope with grief and adjust to the changes.
As we return to school on Monday, April 15, we are committed to supporting our students and staff during this difficult time. 

Each school has a committed counselor who plays a crucial role in assisting the entire community during grief, fear, and uncertainty. These counselors are available to offer emotional support, facilitate communication, provide reassurance, connect individuals requiring additional services, and monitor students' emotional well-being. 

In addition to the support provided at Island View Elementary, each principal across the Anacortes School District has developed tailored strategies to assist students and staff within their respective schools. If you have any questions about their plans or if your child needs support, please contact the school counselor or the principal.

Hannah Miller, our Physical Education teacher at Island View Elementary, will support and teach Mrs. Follstad’s class for the remainder of the school year. Ms. Miller is an exceptional educator who has built strong relationships with students in that classroom through her PE teaching. 
Hannah has been actively involved in facilitating the transition this week.

As families, your role in helping your students process this loss is crucial. Encourage open conversations, listen to their feelings, and reassure them that it’s normal to grieve. On our website, you’ll find helpful resources specifically designed to assist children in coping with tragedy and grief. These resources offer valuable support during challenging times, helping children process their emotions and find ways to heal. 

During this challenging time, let’s unite to support one another as a community. Please contact me or your student's school principal if you have any additional questions or concerns. 

With heartfelt regards,

Dr. Justin Irish

Navigating Loss Together- Support and Resources for Our Community

April 10, 2024

Navigating Loss Together- Support and Resources for Our Community
A message from Superintendent Dr. Justin Irish

Dear Anacortes Community,

In light of the profound loss of Caitlin Follstad, a cherished teacher at Island View Elementary, we have been touched by the overwhelming support extended by our community to all of our students and staff districtwide. Despite the weight of this tragedy, our students and staff followed their regular school schedule today. Maintaining a semblance of normalcy for our students is paramount during difficult times or after significant events. It fosters stability, routine, and predictability, which are instrumental in helping students feel secure.

Throughout the day at Island View, we had district office staff, counselors from the high school and elementary schools, our elementary mental health therapist, as well as mental health support from Island Health available for students. In honor of the tragic loss to the ASD family, the school has lowered its flags to half-staff as a solemn tribute and sign of respect and it will remain that way for the rest of the week. 

We will continue to provide similar support to students and staff tomorrow and Friday.

We appreciate your patience as we navigate through this tragedy. Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and everyone copes in their own way. We have counselors ready to provide emotional support. If you or your child feel the need to talk, please do not hesitate to reach out to your student's teacher, school counselor, or trusted adult. 

Today, teachers at Island View Elementary utilized the following discussion points with their students for grades K-5:

Talking Points for K-2 students:

  • We have some sad news to share with you today. We want you to know that Ms. Follstad, one of our dear teachers, has passed away.
  • It's okay to feel sad or confused right now. We understand that this might be a big and difficult thing to understand. But we're here to help you and support you as we all go through this together.
  • We want you to know that you and your families are safe.
  • Ms. Follstad was a very special teacher who cared a lot about all of you. She taught us many things and made our school a happy place. We will always remember them in our hearts.
  • If you have any questions or if you want to talk about how you're feeling, you can always talk to your teachers, counselors, or any grown-up you feel comfortable with. We're here to listen and help you.
  • Let's take a moment to think about Ms. Follstad and all the good times we shared with them. They will always be a special part of our school family.

Talking Points for 3-5 grade students:

  • It is with heavy hearts that we share some sad news with you today. We want to let you know that Ms. Follstad, one of our beloved teachers, has passed away.
  • This news may bring up a lot of different feelings for you, and it's important to know that it's okay to feel sad, confused, or upset. We are here to support you and help you through this difficult time.
  • We want you to know that you and your families are safe.
  • Ms. Follstad was a wonderful teacher who cared deeply about every one of you. She made a positive impact on our school community, and we will always remember them fondly.
  • If you need someone to talk to or if you have any questions, we are here for you. You can talk to me, any teacher, a counselor, or any other adult you trust. We're here to listen and support you in any way we can.
  • Let's take a moment to remember Ms. Follstad and all the special memories we shared with them. She will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Similar age-appropriate talking points were shared districtwide to respond to students' questions.    
Resources for Families
We also want to offer families some helpful resources for discussing tragedy with their children:

Remember students grieve in different ways. They may be in shock, numb, losing sleep, don’t know how to feel, feeling anxious or sad. It is important to provide your students with regular meals, sleep, drinking water, fresh air and stay connected to people. 

Additional Ways You Can Support
We are receiving an overwhelming number of inquiries from the community regarding support for our staff and students during this difficult time. Here are some ways you can help honor Mrs. Follstad and support the students and staff:

  1. Monetary Support: If you're interested in providing financial assistance, please stay tuned for further details on how to donate. We are currently in the process of organizing the allocation of monetary funds to aid staff and students.
  2. Food Donations: We are grateful for the food donations offered to support our grieving staff and students. The lunchroom is stocked with comforting meals, and the counseling rooms for students are filled with snacks. The Island View Team feels incredibly supported. A special thank you to the Anacortes Safeway team and Jimmy Johns for providing meals to our staff and counselors on campus today and Family Life Church for donating snacks for students during these counseling sessions. If you would like to contribute, please contact Nicole Tesch, District Communications via email at for assistance with coordination.
  3. Flower Deliveries: Flowers are a thoughtful gesture, and we appreciate those who have brought them to brighten our hallways. We kindly request that you consider donating items to the Island View Garden Club. Suggestions include vegetable seeds and starts, perennials, growing supplies, tools, and equipment. Boxes will be placed outside the Island View front office for your convenience. Additionally, cards are also appreciated.

Community Grief Gathering 
The Island View PTA is organizing a Community Grief Gathering to honor the memory of Caitlin Follstad. This gathering will take place on Friday, April 12 at 4:00 pm at Family Life Church, located at 1617 29th Street. The church’s parking lot can accommodate over 100 vehicles, providing space for up to 300 people to come together and support one another during this difficult time. 

We are here for you, and together, we will support one another through this painful time. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need assistance or have any questions.

With heartfelt sympathy,

Dr. Justin Irish, Superintendent

Photo: Ms. Ross's 1st and 2nd graders made a heart chain for their teachers and friends at school today.  

Tragic Loss at Island View Elementary

April 09, 2024

Tragic Loss at Island View Elementary

Anacortes, WA — April 9, 2024

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the tragic loss of Caitlin Follstad, a cherished member of the Island View Elementary community. Her passion for education led her to Island View Elementary, where she served as a teacher, mentor, and friend. The Anacortes School District extends its sympathies to Caitlin's family, friends, students, and colleagues during this difficult time.

We are committed to Ms. Follstad’s students at Island View Elementary and the well-being of all of our students, their families, and staff who are impacted by this tragic loss. Grief counselors are available to students and staff affected by this loss. The loss of life is incredibly hard and if you notice any colleagues or students showing signs of grief, please take a moment to reach out. 

The Anacortes School District extends its sympathies to Caitlin's family, friends, students, and colleagues during this difficult time.


Justin Irish, Superintendent 

Brian Hanrahan, Principal 


Anacortes School District Communications Contact: Nicole Tesch,, 360-503-1211

Anacortes Police Department Contact: CSO Brent Lindquist,, 360-630-3058

Call for Nominations- Brodniak Cultural Education Award 2024

March 26, 2024

Brodniak Cultural Education Award

Walter A. Brodniak, a notable figure in the Anacortes School District, left an indelible mark on the educational landscape. His legacy extends beyond mere administration; it encompasses a passion for nurturing the arts and empowering students through his dedication to fostering learning and cultural enrichment.

As Superintendent of the Anacortes School District, Walter Brodniak played a pivotal role in shaping the educational experience for countless students. His commitment to excellence and dedication to the community were evident throughout his tenure.

In 1977, upon his retirement, the Walter A. Brodniak Cultural Education Award was established to foster growth of the cultural arts in the District. The award is granted to a student, faculty member, administrator, school director, community member, or organization that has made an exceptional contribution to the cultural arts within the Anacortes School District. This prestigious award is bestowed annually during spring to recognize exceptional contributions to the cultural arts within the Anacortes School District during the current academic school year. The recipient’s name will be permanently etched onto a plaque, ensuring its enduring display for future generations to appreciate and honor. 

Nominations for this esteemed award are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, April 19, 2024. A selection committee thoughtfully evaluates the nominations and offers a recommendation to our Superintendent, Dr. Justin Irish. The deserving recipient will be honored at an upcoming School Board Business Meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2024, commencing at 6:15 PM in the Anacortes High School Library located at 1600 20th Street, Anacortes. 

                                                            submit nomination button





UPDATE- Two-Hour Delay

March 04, 2024

UPDATE- Two-hour delay

Families of the Anacortes School District, 

All schools in the Anacortes School District will be on a two-hour delay Monday March 4, 2024. Bus routes will follow adverse weather routes. If your child is already on the bus, they will be brought back home due to road conditions. There will be no morning preschool. 

We understand that this may cause inconvenience to some families, and we apologize for any disruption this may cause. Our district team will continue to monitor weather conditions for bus routes and surrounding areas early tomorrow to assess conditions. Any updates will be communicated to families and staff as soon as possible. The safety of our students, staff, and community is our top priority when making weather-related decisions.

For further information regarding adverse weather, closures, and delays, please visit the following link: 

For technical questions and comments regarding this website, please contact the Webmaster.
