Qualified Anacortes School District employees are eligible for benefits through the School Employees Benefit Board (SEBB) program, provided they are expected to work at least 630 hours during the school year (September 1 – August 31).
As of January 1, 2020, insurance benefits are managed by the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA). During the annual open enrollment period in the fall, you can make changes to your plans, add or remove dependents, and make other updates. You can also make changes during a special open enrollment if you experience a qualifying life event.
To enroll or make changes to your benefits, please log in to the online enrollment system from your computer, tablet, or smartphone: [Benefits 24/7 Login].
General SEBB Information:
Special Open Enrollment Information:
Contact your Human Resources Department for help with:
• Eligibility for coverage and enrollment questions or changes
• Accessing paper forms
• Premium surcharge questions
• Updating your contact information (name, address, phone, etc.)
• Enrolling or removing dependents
• Payroll deduction information
• Appeals
Contact the plans directly for help with:
• Benefit questions
• ID Cards
• Claims
• Checking to see if a health care provider is in the plan’s network
• Choosing a health care provider
• Making sure your prescriptions are covered
• Checking if your wellness incentive was applied to your deductible
Department of Retirement (DRS)
New hires that meet eligibility criteria are eligible for a state retirement pension plan. There are two plans, School Employees Retirement (SERS) for classified staff and Teachers Retirement (TRS) for certificated staff.
Your eligibility will be determined based upon the position you are hired into. In general terms, if the position you are hired into requires you to work more than 70 hours per month for 5 months during a 12-month period over two consecutive years, it is likely eligible. You will receive more information on eligibility upon employment. If your position does not meet eligibility criteria, you may be able to purchase service credit. Contact DRS for more information about purchasing service credit.
Optional Retirement Savings Plans
Employees can participate in optional retirement savings through 457 Deferred Compensation plans or 403b Tax Sheltered Annuity plans. Washington State Department of Retirement manages the 457 plans and the district contracts with OMNI to administer the 403b plans.
Employee Assistant Program (EAP)
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is administered by First Choice Health
Open enrollment to begin October 28
The School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program’s annual open enrollment begins Monday, October 28 and ends Monday, November 25.
Open enrollment is a time when you can make changes to your health plans and enrollment. You may be considering a change to your medical, dental, or vision plan.
Annual open enrollment changes are effective January 1, 2025. This means when you make changes during annual open enrollment, your enrollment will stay the same through December 31, 2025.
Changes you can make
During annual open enrollment you can:
Change your medical plan.
Change your dental plan.
Change your vision plan.
Add or remove dependents.
Attest to the spouse or state-registered domestic partner coverage premium surcharge for 2025, if required.
Enroll in medical coverage, if waived.
Waive your medical coverage if you are enrolled in other employer-based group medical, TRICARE plan or Medicare.
Learn more about the changes you can make on the SEBB open enrollment webpage and in the Intercom newsletter.
How to make changes
Starting October 28, 2024, you can make changes by:
Logging in to Benefits 24/7. Benefits 24/7 requires a Secure Access Washington (SAW) login, you can use an existing SAW login or create a SAW login by clicking on the Benefits 24/7 link.
Submitting a paper change form and any other required documents to the Payroll & Benefits office. 2025 forms are available on the Health Care Authority website under Forms and publications.
Kaiser Permanente NW 1, 2, 3
Phone Number: 1-800-813-2000
Website: https://my.kp.org/sebb
Kaiser Permanente WA Core 1, 2, 3
Kaiser Permanente WA Options Summit PPO 1, 2, 3
Phone Number: 1-888-901-4636
Website: https://my.kp.org/sebb
Premera HMO, High PPO, Standard PPO
Phone Number: 1-800-807-7310
Website: https://premera.com/sebb
Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Achieve 1, Achieve 2, High Deductible
Administered by Regence BlueShield and WA State Rx Services
Phone Number: 1-800-628-3481
Website: https://premera.com/sebb
UMP Plus – Puget Sound High Value Network
Phone Number: 1-877-345-8760
Website: https://pugetsoundhighvaluenetwork.org/
UMP Plus – UW Medicine Accountable Care Network
Phone Number: 1-888-402-4238
Website: https://sebb.uwmedicine.org/
Uniform Dental (PPO) / Administered by Delta Dental of Washington
Phone Number: 1-800-650-1583
Website: https://www.deltadentalwa.com/sebb
DeltaCare (Managed-Care Plan) / Administered by Delta Dental of Washington
Phone Number: 1-800-650-1583
Website: https://www.deltadentalwa.com/sebb
Willamette Dental Group (Managed-Care Plan)
Phone Number: 1-855-433-6825
Website: https://willamettedental.com/sebb
MetLife Vision / VSP
Phone Number: 1-833-854-9624
Website: https://metlife.com/wshca-sebb
Davis Vision
Phone Number: 1-877-377-9353
Website: https://davisvision.com/hcasebb
EyeMed Vision Care
Phone Number: 1-800-699-0993
Website: https://eyemedvisioncare.com/hcasebb
Life Insurance, Accidental death, and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife)
Phone Number: 1-833-854-9624
Website: https://metlife.com/wshca-sebb
Long-Term Disability (LTD) Insurance
Standard Insurance Company
Phone Number: 1-833-229-4177
Website: https://standard.com/mybenefits/wash-state-hca-sebb
Medical Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA), Limited Purpose FSA,
and Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP)
Phone Number: 1-800-669-3539
Website: https://learn.healthequity.com/sebb
Voluntary Wellness Program
Smart Health
Phone Number: 1-855-750-8866
Website: https://smarthealth.hca.wa.gov/
Anacortes School District
2200 M Avenue
Anacortes, WA 98221
Phone | 360.503.1200
Fax | 360.503.1201
In accordance with RCW 70.54.490 and HB 1230, the Department of Health provides information for schools, students, and families to learn more about safety topics such as substance use, and the safe storage of prescription/over-the-counter medication, firearms, and ammunition. Questions? Contact